Sunday, September 27, 2009

What political party are you most closely aligned with and why?

The political party that I am more closely associated with is the Democratic party because they believe that people can still work together to achieve important national and global goals. On the other hand, Republicans seem to think that the only role the government should play is in security functions. Although the private enterprise has achieved much, their profit motive (greed) can aggravate some problems and will not address others. An example is universal health care because there is no profit in providing health insurance to sick people who really need it. Sometimes the government has to step in and set fair rules for everybody to play by and to achieve common goals. The democratic party believes in working together to achieve that.


  1. I don't really think that most people disagree with universal health care because there's no profit, or because they're motivated by greed. I think the concerns have more to do with Obama's specific plan.

  2. I do not agree with you that the Republican Party is only interested in “security functions.” The Republican Party is interested in helping everybody who are hardworking and want to help themselves. The Democratic Party ideas may sound good in theory, but they don’t work in reality. This country became great by hard work and freedom to choose your destiny. Many Democratic politicians have made it a career playing with tax-payers money and staying in power till they die. They think that the average American tax-payer doesn’t know how to use their own money on their own family, so they will do it for them. Of course there are some problems with the Republican Party. I do agree with you that a lot of private enterprises have been very “greedy.” But giving full control on health care to government will be suicidal. No government in this world has done a good job with anything they have run. Look at what happened in countries like Russia, China, UK, Cuba and Canada. Their medical system is a mess. My idea is to keep government out of everything as much as possible. Their role should be to monitor the private companies for any violation of the laws. I think Republicans can do a better job in that.

  3. Yeaaaa democrats! Ahaha, but I agree with you for the most part in that republicans are interested in "profit motives (greed)" while only showing interest in those particular problems. Pretty much anything to do with the average person is shrugged aside. Even though they want to play the "Joe The Plumber" card, they're not really fooling anyone. Nice job addressing specifics, Hilz!!
