Sunday, February 28, 2010

Editorial #2

Goodbye Hummer! An article in the New York times (which can be found here) revealed on Thursday that General Motors will be stopping production of the gas-guzzling SUV. Their deal to sell the brand to a Chinese company recently fell through, which many people suspect was due to the Chinese Communist Party being worried about their image as one of the most polluting nations. The article went on to discuss a proposition made by many political analysts to raise gas taxes. They think that this will encourage people to buy more fuel-efficient cars and would increase use of public transportation. Statistics show that Americans drove 3.4% fewer miles in 2008 when the price of gas shot up to around $4 per gallon. This increase in fuel prices also drove down the number of Hummers and other large SUV's that were sold.

I am glad that I will soon be seeing less Hummers on the road because I think that they are really ugly and obnoxious vehicles. Not to mention they are incredibly inefficient when it comes to fuel consumption... As far as the increase in the fuel tax goes, I don't think that is such a good idea. I personally would support it because I think that we should be doing more to protect the environment, but I have a feeling that a majority of Americans would not be very pleased.

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