Sunday, January 10, 2010

Political Cartoon # 5

This cartoon was posted by Monte Wolverton to Cagle Cartoons on January 10,2010. It brings up the issue of National Security. The cartoon's message is that the government is not doing enough to protect the country from terrorism, and that it is to easy for terrorists to sneak past the security measures that have been put into place so far. I agree with the message of this cartoon and I think that more security measures need to be enacted to prevent more acts of terrorism from taking place in the United States. Airport Security in particular has been a topic of discussion, since the attempted Christmas Day bombing aboard a Northwest Airlines flight. Since then there have been new proposals for security screenings in airports. Many people are against these new screening methods because it could compromise their privacy. In my opinion, I'd rather have to go through extra security screening at an airport than risk dieing because a terrorist got onto my plane.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I have to agree with you too, although it would be really uncomfortable to go thorough the body scans at the airport security, I would rather to that instead die on a plane.
    However, I do worry about invasion of privacy due to these new machines.
