Sunday, March 21, 2010

Editorial #5

The Future of Flight <-- Link to Editorial

This editorial, from the Washington Post, is about the federal government equipping airports around the nation with a new satellite-based radar system, known as NextGen. This is much more technologically advanced than the current radar system which makes it difficult for controllers and pilots to know the exact location of aircraft in the air and on the tarmac. The use of the NextGen system would result in more takeoffs and landings and the ability to fly more direct routes. In the long run, it will reduce congestion, fuel use, and pollution. The problem is the cost. Many airlines do not want to pay their share for the upgrade, which will cost about $25 - $30 billion, according to the FAA.

According to the editorial, Southwest Airlines has already paid its share of the funds to retrofit its fleet with the NextGen system, and I think other airlines should follow suit. Although it costs them money now, it will benefit them in the long run with reduced fuel costs, etc. The ability to pinpoint the exact location of aircraft could also reduce the number of collisions in the air and on the ground.

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