Sunday, October 11, 2009

Current Event #3;cbsnewsLeadStoriesPrimary

This article was about how Al-Qaeda attacked Pakistani Army headquarters in the city of Rawalpindi. In the ensuing 22 hour gun battle, 20 people were killed, including three captives and nine militants. This was a significant attack because the headquarters is considered the equivalent of the U.S.'s pentagon. Some believe the Al-Qaeda were trying to send a message to the Pakistani military to stop attacking Al-Qaeda/Taliban headquarters in the Pakistani tribal areas. The situation is confusing because the Taliban also attacked the Indian embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan, which some suspect was at the instigation of the Pakistani intelligence service.
This news concerns me because Pakistan has a number of nuclear weapons and if Pakistan becomes too unstable, there is a danger the nuclear weapons could fall into the hands of terrorists. Experts say, however, that Pakistan does have good security controls on their nuclear weapons. It also doesn't seem like most Pakistanis belong to the same tribes that the Taliban supports belong to. I just wish the Pakistanis would get there act together and move into suppress the Taliban and finally capture Osama Bin Laden.

1 comment:

  1. The constant fighting between Talibans and Pakistanis is a definite concern not only for Pakistan and Afghanistan but also for the whole world especially the US who are planning to send more troops for the war in Afghanistan. If the continuing attacks between the Talibans and Pakistanis reach a height that could possible lead to the use of nuclear weapons which will lead to a whole new mess, maybe the United Nations should take a stand to do something to control the two countries.
