Sunday, October 18, 2009

Current Event #4 - House passes aviation safety bill

Congress passed a bill that increases the requirements to obtain a Air Transport pilot certificate, mandates rest after a certain number of hours of flight time, and puts into place fatigue management programs based on scientific studies. This bill was initiated after a regional airliner crashed in Buffalo last winter. Among other findings, it was noted that the co-pilot lacked training in icing and stall conditions and made so little money (about $16,000 the prior year) that she had to live at home with her parents and was fatigued by her long commute across the country to get to work. It is hoped that requiring pilots to have more experience might also result in more qualified and better payed pilots.
I think that this is a good bill because I fly pretty frequently, especially on small commuter flights, and I hope that this will make the trip safer. Also, I aspire to become an airline pilot someday and I think that this bill will result in better working conditions, as well as a better paycheck. As a student pilot, I can say from experience that flying an aircraft is not an easy task and is very tiring. I think that fatigue management programs will be very beneficial in the safety of commuter flights, because the pilots will be more rested and focused on their jobs.

1 comment:

  1. This is a great precaution that I believe will help pilots out more than harm them. It's quite apparent that a lot of pilots have to work demanding and seemingly endless shifts and I think this will increase the safety among pilots and the travelers alike. Good job, hilary!
