Sunday, October 25, 2009

Handicap the Virginia Governers Race

In the Virginia governor's race, i think that Bob McDonnell will win, although if I could vote, I would vote for Creigh Deeds. McDonnell has run a good campaign and has promised to fix every one's problems, including transportation, without them having to sacrifice anything or pay more taxes. Creigh Deeds got tripped up by initially trying to be honest, indicating that taxes might have to be raised to meet transportation needs. After that, he ran a negative campaign based on a stupid idea that tried to link McDonnell to a crazy college thesis paper that was written about 30 years ago. Voters didn't buy into the negative ads and will go for someone who promises something for nothing.

1 comment:

  1. I pretty much agree with this. Virginians will have a hard time voting for someone who says he will raise taxes because of the current state of the economy. But, this "crazy college thesis paper" still puts McDonnell in deep waters. I guess we will have to wait and see who wins.
