Sunday, October 11, 2009

Grade President Obama on the Major Issues of his presidency so far

When considering Obama's actions on the war on terrorism, I would give him a B. Although there are still some issues needing to be dealt with such as the question of whether to pull troops out or send more in, I think he has done many good things as well. For example, he has restored respect for America, thereby gaining the cooperation and assistance from other countries in fighting terrorism. He has also kept up the drone strikes against Al-Qaeda which has killed many Al-Qaeda leaders, and yet has not alienated Pakistan.

I would also give Obama a B for his actions on dealing with the economic downturn. He has stopped the deterioration of the economy through his stimulus plans and bank bailouts, however the stimulus was not focused enough on projects that create jobs and has led to a large defecit which may cause economic weakness in the future.

As for his actions on healthcare, I would give Obama a C. He let the debate get away from him so that right-wing politicians were effective in their use of lies and scare tactics, such as the death panels. He has returned to the fight for effective healthcare reform, however, yet he has already ceded too much ground on important issues, like the public option.

1 comment:

  1. For one thing Obama has not done anything worth while to help the War on Terrorism. He made a promise to the American people to stop the war by talking to the Taliban. The Taliban do not want to talk, they want to kill. I know because my family is Indian and my family has experienced these things in India too. Also, Obama is a hypocrite because obviously he will need to send more troops out to fight the war and he made a promise that he would not. Obama has done a terrible job with the economic downturn because we have become trillions of dollars in debt from the stimulus package, which has done nothing for this country. For one thing the right-winged politicians did not use there “lies and scare tactics” to get the debate away from Obama. They were just telling the truth that a health care plan will destroy this country, with the raise of taxes and level of health care.
