Sunday, December 6, 2009

The current state of health care reform

What's going on now is, the health care bill, which was passed in the House, is now before the Senate for reconciliation with an earlier senate bill.
On Saturday, the senate considered various amendments proposed by Republicans and democrats. The republicans proposed amendments that would prevent the cuts in Medicare for the aged, including cuts in home health care payments proposed in the bill. The amendments were defeated and the Democrats argued that the cuts would reduce inefficiency and were supported by AARP and the Home Health Care Association. The democrats then proposed an amendment that said benefits would not be reduced for any individuals, which passed.
On Sunday President Obama came to the senate to talk to the democrats. There appears to be a sixty vote agreement (the number needed to prevent a filibuster) on basic issues including: coverage for 30 million currently uninsured individuals through a requirement that everyone purchase insurance backed by subsidies for those who cannot afford it, an exchange where people can shop for insurance and compare different plans, an expansion of Medicaid for the poor, and a ban on insurance practices of denying people coverage for previously existing conditions. There is still disagreement on whether there should be a public option (a government run health plan).

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