Sunday, December 20, 2009

Political Cartoon #4

This political cartoon was drawn by Jimmy Margulies. It was posted to The Record of Hackensack, NJ on December 17, 2009. It brings up the issue of health care reform.
The cartoon's message is that democrats are getting ready to pass the health care bill, but in order to get the 60 votes, they had to appease certain moderate politicians who recieve a lot of campaign funds from insurance companies. As a result, they eliminted certain provisions from the bill, such as a public option, that the insurance companies did not like. So basically, what the cartoon is saying is that the democrats are being led around by the insurance companies.
I agree with this message, in that the bill is not as good as it should be, because insurance company lobbyists kept out the public option. The public option might have brought down costs, by forcing the insurance companies to compete with reasonably priced insurance.

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you that it is not good that Obama is not listening to the public option. I think that the public wants some serious changes to the bill and Obama should definitely listen to the public or it will probably impact his election in the future.
