Sunday, December 6, 2009

Political Cartoon #2

This cartoon was drawn by Mike Keefe and was published in the Denver Post. It was posted on December 4th, 2009. The cartoon portrays the fact that many soldiers are growing increasingly irritated and fatigued at having been deployed mulitple times over the last several years. It is also saying that Obama, despite only having been in office for about a year, is already increasing the number of troops in Afghanistan to the most it has ever been since the war started. Although, the cartoon seems to be portraying a negative image towards Obama's decision, I disagree because at least he has actually set a date in which the U.S. forces will leave Afghanistan, and he seems to be intent on keeping that promise. I think that it is also good that he is drawing out soldiers from Iraq and trying to wrap things up to finally end the war.


  1. I think the setting the date of when we leave is a little dicey just because we can't know for sure. It makes me nervous because it's a promise I don't think anyone can keep, we could be out later, we could be out sooner, but we can't tell the future. I'm glad Obama had made a decision reguarding Afghanistan, but it bothered me that he made the hopeful experation date public

  2. I disagree with you on the message of the political cartoon. The message is that Obama is breaking one of his promises to the American people that he would not send troops. Presidents in the past have set a date for when they would like the troops to come home, but that is not always the case. So you imply that Obama is going to keep his promise to bring back troops soon. You had said that Obama is “intent on keeping his promises,” but check out the link below of 800 broken promises, lies, and scandals.

  3. I do think Obama is doing a good job by pulling out soldiers from Iraq but I don't like the fact that he set a time limit on the war in Afghanistan. We don't know what will happen in the future and this war has been going on for a long time, so he shouldn't make the public hopeful about a end to war if he can't keep this promise.

  4. I agree with you on the message of the cartoon- soldiers are growing exhausted of being deployed multiple times. Though, I agree with Fahima about the time limit. I doubt that promise will be kept, and if it is not kept then it will just increase the lack of trust in the government.
