Sunday, December 13, 2009

Religious Symbols on Public Property

I am very much opposed to having relgious symbols allowed to be placed on public property, because not everybody has the same religious beliefs and some people are not relgious at all. People can display whatever they want on their own private property, but public property belongs to everyone, whether they are christian, jewish, athiest, etc, so in order to show respect for everybody's beliefs, relgious symbols should not be displayed.


  1. I will have to disagree with you because I think that religious symbols should be displayed on public property. For centuries religious symbols have been displayed on public property and nobody complained. I feel that it is a violation of freedom of speech if it was banned to display religious symbols on public property, because people speak up all the time about their religion.

  2. I think they should be allowed because if ceratin things are banned, then other things would have to be banned as well. It would be impossible to draw a line between what should and should not be censored. I say as long as they aren't harming anyone, religious symbols should be allowed on public property.
