Monday, May 24, 2010

Current Event #2

Drug Wars in Jamaica

Over the past few days in Jamaica police and military forces have been battling against gangs of drug dealers led by a man named Christopher Coke. The violence has spread from the capital city of West Kingston into outlying slums. So far, there has not been reports of violence spreading to the northern part of the island where all of the resorts are located. Jamaica is the largest producer of Marijuana and also has one of the worlds highest murder rates. Gangs have grown into organized crime networks that are involved with international gun smuggling. According to the article from the AP, the weapons arsenals of the gangs rival those of the police power, making it difficult for them to put an end to the violence. These gangs are also tied to the governering political party, the labor party.

I think it is sad that all of this violence is happening in Jamaica. When most people think of Jamaica, they think of the beautiful beaches and resorts, but they do not realize that there is another completely different atmosphere surrounding the other side of the island. I hope that the police and military forces will be able to stop the gangs and that the violence will subside before it reaches the northern part of the island where all of ther resorts are. If the violence spreads there, tourism will come to a halt and that is a major factor of their economy.

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